Saturday, May 12, 2012

Quiet Breezes

Sun lined wind sweeps slow
touching smooth, skin landscapes -
She waits for the warmth.


  1. Love the impression of light-hearted conflict, as a "playful" breeze clashes with and dominates over the sun which battles to warm her cooling skin...

    1. I enjoy your comments Michelle, they are sometimes more poetic than the poem you are responding to. Have a beautiful weekend!

  2. Beautiful! Your Haiku creates an image of early spring just as green life is beginning to sprout forth. It's like you can see the almost barren landscape just starting to become warmed with all of the new plant life reaching up to touch the sun's rays.

    1. Tracy, you have a wonderful way with words. Delights me to see your comments. Thank you for enjoying it with me.


"Life is to be lived. If you have to support yourself you bloody well better find a way that is going to be interesting." Katherine Hepburn